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The Deal Was Sealed

Originally published for the Texas Rovers' Lone Star Rover Tribune - July 2016

At that moment, the deal was sealed.  Owning a Land Rover had been on the future radar already, but now it was etched in my brain as “necessary”.

It all started with the goal of being more active in my photography.  I had contacted a friend and previous co-worker, Laura Shacklette, to see if she needed any assistance with photography for the upcoming 2016 South Central Area Rover Rally (SCARR).  I lucked out, and she needed someone to help cover the event. She then put me in touch with the other key players, and all I had to do was show up and shoot.

BRNT – North Texas Scavenger Tour

Unemployment is a tricky thing.  Searching for work really is a full-time “job”.  It’s easy to get burned out, so an outlet of some sort is always beneficial. My outlet this past fall was getting out of Dodge…or the suburbs, rather.  I’d jump in the truck and search for dirt as quickly as possible, leaving any stress back on pavement.

Colorado Guide for the Unemployed: The Prelude

Originally posted at ReflectionsOfTheDrive.com. Some updates/edits made.

My love for traveling the country has roots back to early childhood. Adventure was instilled in me from an early age, whether exploring the nearby creek and woods, Colorado trips by van and motorhome, hiking, mushroom hunting, and eventually Jeep trips.

In late June 2015, my wife, 6yr old son, and I left the Dallas area mid-morning, keeping with what’s become a tradition of last-minute packing and expert-level underestimation of the time to do so. The destination, ultimately, was Buena Vista, CO, to visit family. With a lifetime of Colorado trips under my belt (and one year living there), the notable difference this year was that it was the first trip in my own, capable 4×4. A 2003 Nissan Xterra. Having recently having been laid off from my job, I was very much looking forward to getting away for a relaxing (and cheap!) trip.